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4 Tips To Tackle Basket Abandonment

If you’re trying to get more sales, the best placed to start is the bottom of the conversion funnel. People who have reached this far in the checkout process have already bought into your product and likely need a little help.   

Think about it. You’ve made the effort to acquire customers, they’re browsing your store and they’ve added products in the basket. Your marketing efforts seem to be paying off until the final stage of making the purchase, but then something happens…

Basket abandonment troubles eCommerce merchants. Rates can be as high as 77%, varying by industry, and they prove a lot of potential revenue is lost from customers who are clearly interested in your offering. Fortunately, the game isn’t over there and then, and there is a lot you can do to recover those baskets.

Here are our tips to reduce basket abandonment:

1. Optimise Your Site For Mobile

Shoppers browse primarily on mobile, yet many online stores are not optimised for it. Pages load slowly, they look clunky, and contain too much information. Busy shoppers will leave your site before you know it. Make mobile optimisation your number one priority as preventing basket abandonment from the start will be a lot easier than trying to lure the same customers back again.

2.  Consider How You Present The Voucher Code Box

The infamous little box is costing businesses money, as shoppers tend to pause the checkout process to find a discount voucher code. The problem is many either won’t return, or you pay for their acquisition more than you should. Voucher codes are not going away though, so we suggest you make the voucher code box smaller, or change its name. Try calling them for example gift vouchers to reframe how the customer perceives them. Otherwise present codes directly on your site to remove any reason for leaving your page.

3. Streamline The Payment Process

One of the main obstacles in completing a purchase is a complicated payment process. When someone is giving you money, you should make it as pleasant as possible! Offer a variety of payment options and make it as quick as possible. After all, paying is probably everyone’s least favourite part of the shopping experience.

4. Remind Customers Of The Purchases They Never Completed

No matter what you do, some people will abandon their basket. Some may do it just to save items for the future, or perhaps get distracted at the time of shopping online. Plan your marketing communications to target these customers, and send them a reminder about their incomplete purchase. To make your call-to-action even stronger, try offering a discount code or free delivery to persuade shoppers to proceed to checkout.


One thing you want to do is review how the conversion rate between the relevant step your optimising compares before and after. This way your actionable insights is backed up with results quantitative results.

Implementing these tips should get you far, but let us know if you need any other eCommerce related advice. We’re always a phone call away!